How can I purchase a personal training session?

You can purchase online my Pay As You Go sessions or packages. You can find the price for each on my "Pricing" page. You can then add to cart and pay for the session or package of your choice. If you would like to discuss a tailored package, I would be very happy to do this so please contact me via the details on my "Contact" page. 

Can I contact you first before deciding on whether I want to purchase a session or package with you?

Absolutely. Please do reach out. You can find my contact details on the "Contact Me" page. 

What happens once I have paid for my session/package?

You will receive an email confirmation of your purchase, containing the details of your online purchase. I will contact you by phone or email within 24 hours to determine a convenient time for your first session. 

What happens before our first session?

Before our first session, we will arrange a time to discuss where you would like the session, what you want to achieve from the sessions and what your goals are. At least 24 hours before the session, I ask that you complete both the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q form) and the Informed Consent Release and Waiver Form (ICRW Form). These can both be accessed on my website. Only once these forms are complete can we go ahead with the session. 

What is a PAR-Q and ICRW form?

The exact meaning of PAR-Q is ‘Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire’. It’s a short questionnaire designed to determine the safety of exercise for a client.  An Informed Consent Release and Waiver form (ICRW) is intended to inform all clients of the potential risks of exercise, and of their responsibility for their own actions.

What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule my session?

Provided you can give more than 12-hours’ notice, I will honour your session at a later date. If you can’t give 12 hours’ notice, I will review your circumstances on a case-by-case basis.

Do I need any equipment for my session?

No, I will provide all equipment needed for the session. 

What should I wear?

Please wear comfortable sports wear that you are able to move in easily. Please wear trainers that have a reasonable grip.